“Gut feeling” – rewrite the definition of trusting your gut into – following your hunch

Imagine This
Imagine yourself on a leisurely walk in the woods. You can smell the richness of the forest trees, feel a delightful breeze on your skin, and are taken away by the melodic sounds around you. Your surrounding environment is absolutely serene and beautiful. You’ve been walking for what feels like lifetimes and yet like no time has passed all in the same. As you continue to put one foot in front of another down what you believed to be a straight path – you look up to notice that you’ve reached an impasse. Before you lies not one pathway, but what appears to be an impossible amount. It seems that each way you look, a new pathway is forged in the wood, until you find yourself spinning unsure of which route to go.

You take a deep breath. Collect yourself and allow the world around you to go silent. With instinct, you pull out your trusty compass, the one that has always led you in the right direction. The compass needle darts immediately to the path you should take, and without hesitation, you begin to take a step towards that route. When you go to put your other foot down, your mind begins to race with uncertainty. The path chosen by the compass looks unclear, shrouded with fog and a dense sea of foliage. Now you stand contemplating your next move. Do you follow this path, knowing your compass has never failed you? Or do you take to your thoughts, choosing a path that is seemingly more clear?

Follow Your Hunch
The journey to following your hunch may not be one you even know you’re on. Not at first, anyway. Many call it a gut feeling, or maybe even an inner voice. Possibly a deep knowing from within. When you type ‘hunch’ into google, you’ll probably come across the standard definition – “A feeling or guess based on intuition rather than known facts.”

Then you might be suggested similar words such as ‘intuition.’ Different links answering questions like – “Can intuition be trusted?” “How does intuition work?” “Why is intuition important?” will appear in the results.
You might even fall into a reflective moment as you stare at the words on the screen, “Was that my hunch that one time I knew to turn onto broad street instead of Jefferson street?” or “What does it feel like? How will I really know?” You could confine hunch to a feeling. You could even wrap it up with a Merriam-Webster bow as one defined concept.
Meaning of The Word Hunch
Or, (this is the way we like to take) you could live life outside the box. You could make it as small or as big as you want – as long as you land at the destination of following you. Hunch isn’t just about these last-minute thought bubbles that tell you to turn left or right. It’s this stir inside you that leads you to living your wildest life imagined. That time you went on a spontaneous trip with a one-way ticket? Yep. That’s it.
You Have a Hunch That
This may sound close to home or like a distant concept from a faraway land, and either way, that’s okay! Whether you follow your hunch by traversing grand mountains, camping with the bare necessities, exploring the world, or simply allowing that spark to guide your day – we know it’s there and that you are listening.
So again, we’ll ask. Do you follow this path, knowing your compass has never failed you? Or do you take to your thoughts, choosing a path that is seemingly more clear?
If you’re a curious explorer who wants to keep following your hunch within self and the outdoors, tune in for our journals – we are in for an expedition!