about us
In a world full of noise, your intuition whispers the way forward. At Hunch, we’re here to amplify that inner voice. We create outdoor gear that not only prepares you for adventure but reminds you why you seek it in the first place – to connect with your true self and the world around you.
While other brands may prioritize performance or trends, we believe in creating gear that is as purposeful as the journey itself. Our products are designed not just for utility but to inspire mindful exploration and deeper connection. Hunch is for those who follow their own path, trusting that adventure is as much about inner discovery as it is about the destination.
Our team is a diverse group of adventurers, dreamers, and change-makers, each with their own story of following their hunch. United by our shared belief in the power of intuition, we bring our personal experiences to every product we create and every initiative we undertake.
it all started with one word
Hunch began with a leap of faith. Our founder walked away from the comfort of routine, leaving college and a familiar life behind to follow a simple, persistent call: listen to your inner voice and see where it leads. With a packed car and no fixed destination, he headed west—drawn by an unshakable sense that there was more to discover, both on the road and within himself.
Over three years of roaming open roads and quiet trails, he found that clarity often waits in stillness, and self-trust grows when you’re far outside your comfort zone. Those insights became the heart of Hunch: a reminder that the answers we seek, consciously or unconsciously; already exist inside us, waiting for us to pay closer attention.
What WE Do
We build community, connection and shared purpose
We ignite self-expression and empower individuals to live authentically.
We promote mindfulness, balance and conscientious impact.
Since our inception, we’ve reached several milestones that make us proud. We’ve launched our first line of sustainable outdoor gear, built a thriving community of intuition-followers, and initiated partnerships with organizations that share our vision of a more authentic, mindful world.
But don’t just take our word for it.
Tune In
Ready to join the movement? Support our mission by shopping our gear today. When you rep our products, you rep purpose – your purchases allow us to keep funding positive change and empowering boundary-breakers who color outside the lines.
Remember, with Hunch, every outdoor experience becomes an opportunity to tune into your inner wisdom and unlock the extraordinary potential within you.
Your intuition is a powerful guide, often drowned out by the noise of everyday life. hunch is here to amplify that inner voice. Creating outdoor gear that not only prepares you for adventure but also reminds you why you seek it in the first place.
Our mindfully crafted essentials are your companions in self-discovery. They encourage you to embrace spontaneity, break free from convention, and align your actions with your authentic self. With hunch, every outdoor experience becomes an opportunity to tune into your inner wisdom. Join our community of intuition-followers and unlock the extraordinary potential within you.
At hunch, we believe in the wisdom within. We are a mindful, sustainable fashion brand that empowers individuals to embrace their authentic selves by following their inner wisdom – what we call your “hunch.”
We believe that when you tune into your hunch and let it guide you, extraordinary things can happen. Your instincts lead to moments of clarity, purpose and self-discovery.
By listening to that inner voice, you can unlock the door to living more authentically, aligning your outer life with your inner truth. When you let your hunch direct your path, spontaneity and certainty intersect, propelling you toward your highest potential.
Our philosophy centers around helping our community tap into the transformative power of intuition. We invite you to welcome your hunch into your life – embrace the spontaneous according to your inner compass. Let it point you toward purpose, joy and extraordinary living.
At hunch, we celebrate authentic self-expression and provide thoughtful guidance to help you chart your own course guided by hunch. Join us and unlock the beauty, wisdom and potential within.
At hunch, we believe in the power of intuition. Those gut feelings and inner inklings that guide us towards our most authentic selves. Our sustainable outdoor gear is designed to empower you to trust your hunches and forge a life aligned with your true nature.
words from
our founder
Life has a funny way of teaching us its most valuable lessons. After making a big move, I found myself in a series of unexpected situations. Each one, whether thrilling or challenging, taught me something crucial: the power of listening to that quiet inner voice – my hunch. It wasn’t always easy to hear, and sometimes it led me to places I never thought I’d go. But every time I listened, I grew. I learned. I became more of who I was meant to be.
As I navigated this journey, I began meeting people who had experienced something similar. Many shared stories about a feeling deep within – a moment where trusting their ‘hunch’ led to surprising, life-changing outcomes they never would have imagined. Yet, I also noticed how often people were still disconnected from their inner guidance, making decisions based on what they thought they should do, rather than what truly resonated.
That’s when it hit me – this wasn’t just my personal discovery. It was something bigger that needed to be shared. Hunch was born from this realization. It’s not about having all the answers or following a predetermined path. It’s about reconnecting with that innate wisdom we all have but often ignore. If you’ve ever felt that gentle nudge inside, urging you toward something unexpected – that’s your hunch. Maybe it’s time we all started listening.
our founder
The hunch brand was born from a personal journey of self-discovery and a willingness to embrace the unknown. Its founder, with a passionate commitment to authenticity, took a leap of faith – leaving behind societal expectations and instead allowed intuition to steer their life’s course. Fueled by the belief that embracing self-trust unlocks our greatest potential, hunch® emerged.
The mission? To illuminate the inner light within every individual. By inspiring others to turn inward, live boldly, and reconnect with their true nature, hunch® aims to accompany you on a transformative journey of self-exploration. Much like its founder, hunch® invites you to embrace the beauty of the unknown and trust the wisdom of your inner voice.
The Logo
A Symbol of Interconnected Wisdom
Our logo is more than just a visual representation – it profoundly reflects our ethos. When you wear hunch, you represent believing in your inner potential.
This emblem serves as an empowering reminder to live authentically. Its interconnected, flowing shape symbolizes embracing life’s rhythmic journey guided by inner wisdom.
Ready to Join the Movement?
Want to be apart of the hunch brand story? Support our mission by shopping our gear today. When you rep our products, you rep purpose – your purchases allow us to keep funding positive change and empowering boundary-breakers who color outside the lines.